Fuse Bead “How To:” from magnets to 3D boxes and more…

A simple step by step guide for 4 intermediate fuse bead projects. Christmas 2020. It was one for the books, eh!? Between the quarantining just to celebrate with a modicum of “normalacy” and the regular hum of holiday preparations… it was, as the whole of 2020 has been, unique. Silver lining for our family: because … Read more

Fuse Bead Holiday Crafting with Kids (UPDATE).

Fuse Bead Ornaments in Black and White

What we did and DIDN’T do, wish we did, and would do again…. Fuse beads. Ahh…. the never ending world of melty bead crafting. If you’re not careful, it may suck you down its rabbit hole for good. You’ve been warned. Each holiday season, my boys and I pick a craft to create and gift … Read more

Fuse Bead Crafts: Kid friendly crafting and gifting this holiday season.

perler bead ideas

Crafting our way into holiday gift giving with kids, made simple… Each holiday season I pick a kid-friendly craft to create with my boys, and to give as gifts during Christmas. The goal is learning the art of gift giving… and while we’re at it, may as well experiment with a new medium. This year, … Read more